Aims and Objectives

Our Sangha fosters and strives to develop friendly relations, mutual help, uplift the community economically, politically, socially, culturally and educationally. We carry out the cultural, social and religious activities of the beliefs and customs of the community. We have started Sangha Hostels and working on to initiate Educational Institutions, Student Libraries, Cultural Centres etc. for the betterment and welfare of the community.

Our team supports to find employment opportunities for the young men and women of the community and if necessary train them up. We are Planning to start and run Co-operatives and other Institutions for the Community Housing, Banking, Industries and Consumer Facilities. Our team coordinate's and render the nesessary help to the Mahila wing of the Sangha to obtain help from various Government Schemes like Stree Shakti Scheme etc.

Our Sangha run and manage Matrimonial Information Centre on behalf of the sangha members and arrange / organise the conferences on matrimonial matters. We will establish old age homes (vruddhashrams), school for the physically disabled children etc.

We organise Health Camps and to establish / run Yoga / meditation Centres. We raise the funds through subscriptions, fees. Gifts, donations grants, grant-in-aids, interest free loans from individuals, organisations, societies / sanghas, institutions and Government etc. and to utilise the same properly for carrying out the activities of the Sangha.